Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Death Ray Illumination

Word to the Wise at AIU

I have proceeded to burn a hole in my wall with my desk lamp. It was late and I decided I did not need to power of the sun to read my book by, so I turned my desk lamp towards the wall until I achieved optimal illumination.

Perhaps ten minutes went by before I smelled smoke. I looked up from my book to see my neighbors looking back at me through a hole in the wall. It appears that I had melted away the wall and decimated my fellow student's wardrobe. They pleaded with me to turn out the deathray as they would like to get some sleep.

I obliged them and apologized about the one student's wardrobe. This was quickly forgotten as we realized that AIU had supplied their students with deathrays instead of desklamps (only in Japan). We then decided to use the death rays to rob a few banks, and then proceeded to cut a swath of destruction between here and Tokyo. Eventually the cops chased us to the top of the Tokyo Tower. The view from up there was really something. Between the three of us though we began to argue who's fault it was that we were in this mess.

The two of them turned on me and shot me with their deathrays and I died.

It was the best day ever.

PS: Advice for fellow students. If you burn a whole in your wall with your desklamp and your neighbors tell you to turn it off. Instead you should vaporize them as they will only turn on you later.

PPS: Grumble grumble grumble now I have to pay for the damage done to the wall.


  1. It is now more clear than ever that the Japanese know better than the Americans on how to appropriate funds for education. Lamps? Hell no! Death rays and 1.21 gigawatts of studying power or GTFO.

  2. That is the best thing I have ever read. Thank you.

