Thursday, October 29, 2009

Note Pad

To ensure I don't forget anything I need to make a few notes. A lot has been going on these past couple of days and I just need to free form the ideas. This will be coming up later. Also looking at the number this should by blog entry #68 not bad for 65 days in Japan, definately not a post a day, nor consistant length, but Jessi and I both are pretty proud of what we've been able to share with you guys. Thanks for reading!

Coming Soon
host family, road trip, plane otaku, homemade sushi, so much mochi flour, vegetables, a mountain of vegetables, people just handing them to me, ranch near chokai, fresh milk, ice cream, CHEESE SUKIYAKI, full kitchen, Halloween coming up, halloween costumes, sharing customs, little children, trick or treater's, Japanese conversation friend, Chess rules, zazen? no wait did that, new chair, new pillow, halloween party, arcade trick, manga soko, new clothes, did I mention costuming, roomate is going away for the weekend, bills to be made, plans to be made, a good book, tests and mid terms, Porko Rosso, procrastination and Miyazaki movies. All this and more, on upcoming blog posts, plus pictures and videos.


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