Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween descended upon AIU on October 30th this year. My roomate left on a trip to Tokyo, and my beautiful girlfriend had class Friday morning, and I was left alone in my room to sleep in, as I have Friday's off. Alone in my thoughts I pondered how the day would proceed, how the following days would proceed. I had no engagements untill noon, where Jessi, myself, and a group of exchange students would go to a local elementary school to explain Halloween to the little kids. We'd return in time to watch Porco Rosso in my Manga Mania class, one of my favorite Miyazaki films. Later, there was a Halloween Party to attend followed by a wishy-washy conglomeration of plans.

It was going to be a good weekend. The 31st is my Birthday, and Halloween. Jessi was up to something so I decided to go with the flow. Whatever was going to happen would be a suprise though, I felt a little left in the dark, but trusted to let things play out according to other people's plans.

As I got into my costume perhaps I overly brooded on this feeling that thing might collapse without my intervention, but going to the elementary school melted those brooding feelings away.

The group was given bags of candy and we followed the Principal around the school. Our leision from AIU would explain some parts of Halloween to the kids. Mostly that you go up to strangers, say "Trick or Treat" and they will give you candy. So we each had some candy and would go up to the kids. Some would yell "Trick or Treat", while others were so afraid they barely murmoured. It was adorable. I was dress as a super hero, and Jessi was in her witches outfit. I had also brought my juggling balls, and when our liason would prompt me I would put on a little show for the kids. There were 6 grades in all. After we had gone to every classroom and given out candy, the principle gave us each two huge Akita apples. Honestly given a choice between the apples and candy I'd go with the apples, I made apple fritters a while ago and they were delicious. I have delicious plans for those apples. As we waved good bye to the kids they leapt onto their unicycles and showed off in the gym, because the Japanese government says that every elementary school child should be able to ride a unicycle, apparently.

We returned to AIU in plenty of time for the movie, however Jessi had work to do, work that I needn't necessarily worry about she told me. I watched the first hour of Miyazaki's sea plane story piece and marvalled at it potency. Jessi came to my side as we watched the daring escape of Porco through canals in Milan, I could tell that she had been hard at work, I was curious, and I would continue to be curious for the rest of the weekend.

You'll see why soon.

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