Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Trip to Kyoto and Osaka

With very brief planning and time in Japan running out, Jessi and I found ourselves with few chances left to see the South. I`ll let her explain the how and why, but for now we are on our way to Kyoto.

As in right now. Our bullet train leaves at 7:00 tomorrow, which provided a problem. There is no transportation to Akita from AIU so early in the morning. Our solution is elegant and simple. I write this blog from an Internet cafe in Akita city, where we each have a tiny tiny room rented for 6 hours. Enough to sleep and make the train with plenty of time to spare.

I say internet cafe because it is the only english equivalent. I type this from a closed wall cubicle, next to all the free drinks I can down, surrounded by a library of manga. A literal library of manga, comics, and magazines. Food is available, and so is internet access. All this for about $15. We couldnt rent a cab for less than this.

Pictures will be forthcoming, but it is late and we begin the long part of our adventure tomarrow.

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