Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Last / Best Bit of our Happy Halloween

Halfway through November and I'm still trying to wrap up Halloween

From last we left our Heroes, they had left the party at the AIU student center. Mack had doubts in his heart about how they would manage to get to Round One. It was already close to 10:00 at night, and there were those that planned to leave Round 1 by 2:00 AM.

The proposed mode of transportation was bus, train, and walking. Would we get to round 1 before 11:00? Would 3 hours at this fabled land of adventure be enough to merit the journey? Mack quelled his fears and followed his friends, for he knew that Jessi at least knew something he didn't, but it was a blind trust that Mack was unaccoustomed too.

The bus driver might have been confused as maybe 10 foreigners in costumes boarded his vehicle. If he was, he didn't show it. Several Japanese people on the train gave quick hurried looks at the kid in the black mask and cape, and at the student in a rabbit suit and tie. The streets of Akita City were nearly empty as a strange procession wandered down the quieter residential area's alongside a river. Like Alice, once upon a time, we followed a rabbit who seemed to know where he was going.

Lo and Behold we arrived at Round 1 with no problem at all. We bought our tickets and gathered around a table before festivities began. In fact we paused for a while, I was about to ask why we hadn't run screaming into the fun, when Sarah, the scottish girl interrupted me.

"Now that we're all here, me and Elle have a song we would like to sing, if you know the words I'd like you all to sing along." A traditional U.K. halloween ballad? A song to celebrate a successful bit of travel? Maybe something to remind us we were in Japan?

Nope, the song was none of those things, and as dense as I am I wondered who they were singing to when they started singing "Happy Birthday". Jessi came out from behind everyone with a cake for me, and candles. The most amazing cake I had ever seen.
A Totoro Birthday cake just for me. Now imagin how silly I felt for all the doubt that I had. I felt like I was being dragged around as an acessory to some Halloween venture that may not have worked out, when in reality it was a suprise Birthday Party for me. I can scarcely remember a time where I have felt more honored than when a group of new friends decided to suprise me with cake and a party. It was an incredible feeling, and the cake was delicious. Jessi and elle had been working on it all day, and the completed creation was a true taste treat. I was overwhelmed and the night was only just begininng. EDIT: Jessi would like to note that she is completely aware that the cake was pretty freaky looking. But given that its creation included an oven fire, and constant declarations of "As long as it's edible...", I think it turned out alright. Also, the whiskers are Pocky!

Round 1 is filled to the brim with all sorts of fun and excitement, and just past the entrance is a mechanical bull.


It wasn't working. . . but you can't tell that from the pictures.

They had a huge section devoted to Chuck-E-Cheese style playgrounds. With sections that were just filled with ballons.

My favorite area though was a kind of arena filled with NERF balls and air powered machines and guns. You pick up a ball from the floor, shove it into an opening, and it comes rocketing out of some other section of the arena. There are also two rows of guns set up facing each other for NERF style cannonade combat.
I really got into it.

Following our battle from the NERF stadium we went through the tubes and slidess of the Chuck-e-Chees style jungle gym. Till we came to the ball pit. Fun of prehistoric proportions.



Edit: Jessi would like to note that she loves her egg :)

The pictures are pretty self explanitory, except for how heavy those dinosaurs were. The were soft, but if they had been filled with sand I wouldn't have been suprised. I managed to lob one across the central bouncy area and it knock Jessi clean off her feet and into the ball pit. Safely, of course. It was incredibly tireing, so afterwards we required a break.

At Round 1 they have strategically placed massage chairs. Sarah remarked that they felt like they were filled with touchy little gnomes. Which was mildly terrifying.


After the brief rest, I was ready to strap on some roller blade and go to town. the sort of music they were playing felt very much like the sort of music that they played at roller rinks back when I was around twelve. Off beat bublle gum pop knock-offs and occaisonal 70's 80's hits. I felt a little unsteady with wheel strapped to my feet, but it didn't take me long to remember the basics. Edit: Jessi would like to note that she did not know Mack could rollerblade, and stood on the sidelines wonderfully impressed! She herself did not and cannot roller-anything.


After skating we came to the Arcade. There is an arcade that you can pay per play on the first floor of Round 1, but after you get onto the "wristband level" they have free play arcades. We spend a good 2 hours in there.

Elle and Dan played this racing game, where your speed was determined by how fast you could hop. the man in Bunny suit refused to play.

By now we had certainly passed the 2:00AM mark, but I had left my watch in my bag, and refused to pay attention to the time. I think everyone had a similar philosophy because noone made moves to leave. We we're having to much fun.

I even played a little tennis against the computer, to the laughter of everyone around me.


We ended the night with some karoke, exhausted, weak, our voices cracking. We called it quits about 6:00AM, grabbed a taxi, and made our way back home. An incredible day, one that taught me a valuable lesson, that I can trust my friends, that sometimes I don't need to have my hand in everything. Not to say I wont be proactive when it's required, but that I don't need to be at all times.

The Next Day

All of Round 1 happened the night of the 30th and the morning of the 31'st. For my actual birthday, Jessi and I went to a nice dinner, just the two of us.


We drank sake to celebrate my 21'st birthday, and ate abundantly. I was truly satisfied, it had been an amazing day, and when we returned there was a halloween party with Yatose, I was excited about. Tired but excited.

When we got off the bus however, Yatose was waiting for us. And they had some sort of cake. And they started singing Happy Birthday. Another complete suprise, the Halloween Party was a small gathering for my Birthday. The leader of Yatose baked a cheesecake into a pumpkin for me.

Yagi, Fuyonake, and Juunko

We laughed and disscussed Halloween Traditions, and I was wished a happy birthday until I was red in the face. They were great friends to have done this for me. Again I was honored and amazed that people would do this for me.

Afterward Jessi and I curled up together in a warm blanket and watched anime, ate milano cookies, and drank Sangria untill we both passed out. Edit: Jessi would like to make one last not that we did not pass out because we were drunk >_> Rather, because it was about 4 AM before we really considered going to bed.

To everyone involved with my Birthday, a million thanks. And to everyone who sent me well wishes through e-mail, facebook, cards, thoughts, and prayers, I thank you too. It was an icredible day that I will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. I was advised not to do DDR barefoot by players who are better than I am, and it turned out well. But of course high heels won't work...
