Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Wind Up Circus


So Jessi and I have described the premise of our act, me a juggling robot and her a dancing robot, coming together and exploring our differences and simularities. A very broad concept, but one we could quickly expand into an act. Emphasis on quickly, as stuff for the festival began to come up, we found ourselves running low on time. We'd choreographed half of the act, they filmed us for a video a couple weeks ago, so we got a section of it done, but we figured it best to put it off for a while. With everything that came up, the friday before the festival we decided to be the day we'd really polish the act. We had most of the idea's, they just needed working through.

The thursday before the festival, the event manager showed up at my door at one 'o clock in the morning and told us there was going to be a dress rehearsal the next day. Needless to say this added the extra pressure we needed to get things done.

In the chaos that came out of Jessi's fashion designer mayhem, we were able to throw some really cool idea's into our costumes. I was sewing a blue lightning bolt onto my chest up until showtime. But it all came together nicely before the festival even started. What got us really excited though was when we found out what the video they had taken of us earlier was for.




They had taken all the video's of the performers and put them on a loop on the TV's in the cafeteria. We had wandered into the cafeteria during the festival, to find a bunch of Akita locals watching a video of Jessi and I performing our act. In HD no less.

Flawless Victory

This is our act in two parts, the first is our first successful rehearsal (minus the flip). The second is the actual act, that due to certain difficulties, starts immediately after we do the flip. See if you can guess where the song is from. Enjoy.

The crowd seemed to love it. I'm suprised to say that onstage we had absolutely no problems. For our dress rehearsal I lost a ball, and had to improvise, but for the actual show it went exactly as planned. Apperently there were only 2 acts out of like 30 that were created by international students. We had a lot of people who came up to us afterwards saying we had done an excellent job. It was great fun and I think we put on a pretty cool show.


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