Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Festival Booths

Rows of Awesome

So for the festival, booths were set up for vender's to sell things. For the most part this was students selling ethnic food of their homeland. I was actually suprised though that there were a couple local venders from town selling food, and we had a group of ladies from a farm bring a huge amount of produce for sale. Have a look.



Those are cinderblocks with firewood in them, cheap and effective. They're making chicken on a stick, sausage on a stick, and rice fried onto a stick. The rice stick was delicious.

You can see the chocolate banannas to the right, they were so good. They didn't have chocolate that hardened, it was just bananna covered in chocolate fondue. Absolutely delicious.
Photobucket There was a korean booth, produce, japanese omlette, fried noodles, chicken nuggets, french fry booth, chocolate bannanas, apple and sweet potato dumplings, corn soup, hot dog booth, and much more. But my personal favorite of the day was the mexican food booth. Armando, an international studen from baja mexico ran a booth that sold tacos. With hand-made tortillas, guacamole, and heaped with cheese. For a California native, it was heaven. Here's Elle, she's our friend from England and she made me my taco.

These are just the booths, wait till I get started on all the food I ate.


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