Saturday, August 22, 2009

Packing for the Trip

We're looking at less than 24 hours until our flight leaves for Japan. So I figured now would be a good time to pack. Our flight allows for 2 checked bags, a carry-on, and a personal item (laptop case for me) Both Jessi and myself have agree'd to my dads advice for this trip, fly there with 1 suitcase, fly back with 2.

If you need something you can always buy it in Japan, and then it'll also be something you bought in Japan. In reality though I'm finding it difficult to fill 1 suitcase. Clothes are a must, I'm bringing enough to prevent myself from becoming naked. I'm also bringing plenty of writing materials, as well as all my study materials for Japanese. I'll be spending a good deal of time reading those on the plane.

My laptop is coming, along with a CD case filled with movies. There's a small cadre of electronics, ipod, video camera, regular camera, headphones, mini speakers. I'm not bringing my cell phone however, international fee's being obscene. I plan to try and live for 4 months without a cell phone, we'll see how that works. If I can't cut it, I'll buy a pay-as-you-go cell phone there.

Other than that, the rest of what I'm bringing are trinkets, generally negligible in weight. Most important, however, is passport, wallet, and id. Everything else I can get into Japan without . . . theoretically anyway.

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