Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tomarrow and the next day

Screaming towards the finish line

So tomarrow is our last day, we ship out the day after early in the morning. There's so much to cover I'm simply going to have to wait until after I get home to post it all. However, we are safe, everything's under control, we are home sick, we are stressed, and it's going to be quite the reprieve to get on that airplane and know that we managed to get through Japan without any catastrophies.

There's so much stuff that couldn't make it up on the blog, and probably wont, but if you are interested I'd be glad to recount the stories and share the pictures and videos with anyone interested enough to sit through something like that.

I think I've only got one post left (probably) and it'll be a recounting of the entire trip and impressions as well as some of the stuff that I've missed but is too important to not throw up here. Overall I've taken about 20 Gigabytes of pictures and video of this trip. An amount I believe that lives up to my dad's suggested strategy of "take three steps and then take a picture".

I want to thank all of you for giving me a solid reason to keep this blog going as prolifically as I have, the written record of it all will be an excellent help when I start trying to sort my pictures and realize I've given none of them names and I'll look at them and not know what they're of.

Next post will likely be coming from Stateside.

さよなら、 日本


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