Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oga Trip Continued

Glorious Food

Our trip to Oga only began with the trip to the Namahage museum, we also spent a good deal of time at the coastline, wherein we got food.

As recomended by our sensei, I got the Kani Ramen. Look at those crab legs, good season for em.


Ate the whole thing and sucked as much meat as I could from the crab corpse.

The Sea of Japan
Afterward we went out onto the coast to see the ocean, the first good long look we'd gotten since the plane ride here. We also found this monument. which looked like some sort of sundial.


It turned out to be a monument marking the 40th parallel, the same line as New York City.


A little map pointed us in the dirrection we could look to be gazing towards NY, we aimed up a little bit to account for Ithaca.

The view was amazing.


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