Saturday, July 4, 2009

Akita International University

Akita University
Here We Come
The Summer crawls by as I wait for Jessi to come out to California. It is a long summer without her, however, we have a whole lot of Japan to look forward to right when she gets out.I'm a little worried about getting to Akita. As in once we get to Tokyo International Airport, we need to get on a bus to Tokyo National Airport to catch our next flight.

Not too terrible an obstacle, but I'm worried that my Japanese will be very rusty. However, with Jessi by my side I'm sure that we'll get there no matter what. I'm just so excited to finally get there and see it for real. A girl on youtube posted a video of what her room looks like <> It looks really nice

In the meantime it's just waiting for paperwork to go through and arrive in the mailbox. Still need a visa and all that jazz. I'm waiting to hear back from Makiko (our Akita Advisor) on a couple of things, but I suppose I'm just being over anxious.

Forty One days till Jessi comes out, and 50 days till we leave for Japan


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